Nubby is a professional intuitive counselor. In other words, a psychic. Decades of Yogic meditation, followed by Buddhist monastic meditation, followed by Qigong practice and meditation opened him up to non-physical forms of perception. He usually works with clients over the phone, and formally did so as part of an acupuncture treatment. Clients use him to see into and find solutions for challenges both personal and professional. Is he trying to convince you that your true nature is divinely luminous or that a world of angels and spirits interpenetrates this physical world? No, not at all, because you have probably already made up your mind in this regard. So, if such notions offend you, look away, as no offense is meant. Otherwise, you are welcome to read on. Nubby works with people of all faiths and denominations, and accepts without judgement that your spiritual path is your own, and until or unless you decide otherwise he will support you in that path.
As a teenager, at the Kripalu Yoga Ashram in the early ’80’s, he became able to see auras and to perceive chakras. He hadn’t a clue at that time what it all meant; for that would come later. Hours of daily sanskrit chanting, Yoga asanas and pranayama had began to clear internal energy systems and open a door to a road less travelled. An apprenticeship of sorts had begun.
In Thailand from 1989-1993 he ordained as a Forest Monk (dhutanga bhikkhu) in Thailand under the ven. Achaan Passanno at Wat Pah Nanachat, where he maintained a daily practice of meditation, Qigong and Yoga. For the last two years he used as his meditation object a kasina, that radically accelerated the pace of his psychic development. A kasina is most commonly a source of fire or a colored disc that a meditator gazes at for several minutes, then closes his eyes to see the retinal afterimage in the mind’s eye. When the image eventually begins to dissipate, the eyes are reopened, and the process repeated. Eventually, after a week or two, gazing at the external image becomes unnecessary, as whenever the meditator closes his eyes the image automatically appears. Kasina visualization practice is uncommon in the Theravada form of Buddhism, but is ancient, dating from well before the compilation of the Visuddhi Magga, and is probably a progenitor of the later more sophisticated Hindu Yantra and Tibetan Buddhist Mandala practices. When a meditator spends hours a day seeing and attempting to tame the nimitta or mind-created retinal afterimage of his kasina, his attention, his center of focus is at the center of his head, looking forward through the aperture of the third eye, or ajna chakra. Such practice causes the chakra to activate and develop rapidly.
Nubby has continued to deepen his understanding of the mystical arts, especially as they relate to the healing of the soul, and has found that applied Buddhist psychology is not only a superior template for understanding spiritual suffering; but is also equally potent for healing it. To this end he has spent years practicing gratitude contemplation, and has studied for over fifteen years with the Ven. Luang Por Jumnien Silasettho, a sixty-three Rains forest master from Southern Thailand.